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Configuring the desktop app

Configuring the nteract desktop app

The nteract desktop app cconfigurations use a JSON-based nteract.json file. Place the nteract.json file in the Jupyter config directory. To find the location of the Jupyter config directory on your system, run the jupyter --paths command.

$ jupyter --paths

Create the JSON file with the code below.

$ touch /Users/me/.jupyter/nteract.json

Configurable options

The nteract desktop application supports the configuration options in the table below.

Config Option Example Description
"theme" "theme": "dark" Sets the default theme of the nteract desktop app, either "light" (default) or "dark"
"autoSaveInterval" "autoSaveInterval": 1000 Frequency for saving notebook document in milliseconds, set to 0 to disable autoSave
"codeMirror" "codeMirror": { "lineNumbers" : true } Set of options for configuring the CodeMirror editor in the nteract desktop app

Example configurations

The code below displays an nteract.json file that sets the default theme to the dark theme and disables auto-save.

    "theme": "dark",
    "autoSaveInterval": 0

This configuration example customizes the CodeMirror editor in the nteract desktop app.

    "codeMirror": {
        "matchBrackets": true,
        "autoCloseBrackets": 4,
        "cursorBlinkRate" 500
